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Youth, Housing, and Transit Leaders Support Us!

If you live anywhere in the 27th Legislative District, then you’ve probably been inundated with mailers from my opponent over the last few weeks. Fey’s campaign has put out three of their own, and there’s another from an avowedly moderate PAC ironically calling him a “progressive.” The mailers center him as a strong advocate for youth and a leader in transportation and housing. One even uses terminology much like our own, saying he wants to “build a future that works for all.”

While Fey may have the endorsement of some organizations in these areas, others are explicitly supporting our progressive, people-powered campaign over his. They are doing so because he has either failed to deliver on promises or has even killed legislation they support. Indeed, some of the groups endorsing him are doing so despite his environmental record, not because of it.  

Check out our latest endorsements from youth, transit, and housing leaders below!

WA Ethnic Studies Now have not only been championing Ethnic Studies in the State legislature over the last few sessions, but are also openly pushing back against our outdated, oppressive education funding model and our racialized tax structure. They asked tough, incendiary questions in their endorsement interview. I’m happy to be a champion for ethnic studies, and to have an outspoken accountability partner when I enter the Legislature.

"WAESN endorses Devin Rydel Kelly. Devin's platform includes changing the school funding model to drive equity throughout lower income communities and overhauling Washington's regressive tax structure that burdens the working class. Vote local. Vote Devin Rydel Kelly."

I’ve long respected The Urbanist for their bold, frank, and wonky but accessible analysis of urban issues such as density, transit, homelessness, and more. They’ve always been a bulwark in pushing back against NIMBYism while always advancing the interests of everyday folks over developers and city planners. I was excited last year when they featured Tacoma For All in several prominent articles, and even more this year when they invited me for an endorsement interview. Check out this great outtake, and read the full quote at the link.

“Devin Rydel Kelly is a progressive running against incumbent Representative Jake Fey, a career  politician and chair of the House Transportation Committee. Fey is a car-centric, middle-of-the-road politician who has pushed highway expansion over wiser, climate-friendly investments. Rydel Kelly seeks to bring a fresh approach, prioritizing middle housing, transit, and community-centered activism. Rydel Kelly experienced housing instability as a child and turned to grassroots activism in college. He supported the Tacoma Tenant Bill of Rights and believes the legislature has an obligation to remove housing barriers by enacting rent stabilization and creating a department of housing at the state level.” - Urbanist endorsement committee

I’m honored to have the Housing Alliance Action Fund’s endorsement. They have been a leader in the statewide efforts for rent stabilization, for dramatically expanding the affordable housing stock, and for new, innovative thinking on how to keep people housed and prevent homelessness. They were also early, bold supporters of Tacoma For All and Initiative 1, the tenant rights victory I helped lead last year.

To be fair, the HAAF gave a dual endorsement to both me and Jake Fey. But they also shared both our questionnaire answers on how we want to be housing champions. The differences kind of say it all.

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