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What sets me and my opponent apart

The deadline to file for Washington elections has passed without a Republican declaring a candidacy. This means that Jake Fey and I are the only candidates on the bill, both for the primary and the general election. But while we're both running under the Democrat banner, we are radically different in our approaches. The starkest example of this comes from our donor base. While 99% of our donations come from individuals, only 6% of Jake Fey’s donors can say the same*. If that’s the case, who is Jake Fey working for? The people or corporate donors?  Read below for all the details...

Over 80% of our donors come from Washington state, with more than 30% from Tacoma proper vs 63% Washington donors for Jake Fey’s campaign, with just three individuals from Tacoma.

Our campaign has brought us 181 unique donors to date vs Fey’s campaign with 68 unique donors.

Despite the number of donors, our campaign will fight an uphill battle against the wealthy elites and corporations backing Fey, whose median contribution is $1200(!!) vs the $50 median donation that we've received. We also have an average of $126 vs his $906 per contribution. 

Still, we know that our campaign is PEOPLE-POWERED and we are fighting for a future that works for all, not just for a tiny population of the state’s elite, and there is strength in our numbers.

Donate today and add your name to the list of people who refuse to be content with the corporate status quo.

*See both of our donation records at the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission

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