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Washington Ceasefire Candidates Statement

The recent Israeli Defense Forces assassination of Washington resident Aysenur Ezgy Eygi during a West Bank protest is a horrific symbol of Israeli impunity after decades of apartheid and almost a year of constant violence against Palestinians. Aysenur joins Washingtonian Rachel Corrie over 21 years later in being murdered for her commitment to the dignity and self determination of Palestinian people. She joins over 600 Palestinians killed in the West Bank in the last year, including one child every two days, as IDF-backed settler violence skyrockets and outright war on the West Bank and Lebanon appears imminent.

Of course, this is only the most recent, locally poignant atrocity. People around the world have witnessed Israel’s horrific, high tech campaign of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza unfolding in front of our eyes for almost a year. Over 41,000 people have died, including over 16,500 children, 500 health care workers, 225 aid workers and 116 journalists. This is on top of tens of thousands injured, hundreds of thousands displaced, and the entire occupied area facing famine. The numbers are almost incomprehensible, and every single story behind them is heartbreaking. And this is before even considering Israel’s horrific ground operation in Lebanon launching as we issue this statement.

As Washington political candidates, we stand in solidarity with calls for ceasefire and against Apartheid. We join Aysenur’s family in calling for a US investigation into her death. We join the International Court of Justice and the majority of Americans across religious and political backgrounds who believe Israel is committing genocide, not war. We join students calling for school systems to divest from Israeli corporations and American war profiteers. We join the United Nations General Assembly, who recently passed a resolution calling for Palestinian Statehood. We join the countless millions worldwide who would be appalled to admit to future generations that they did nothing to stop genocide.

Our conviction is based out of both moral and strategic urgency. As Washingtonians, we have a duty to speak up for our residents, advocate for our diverse working class majority and challenge business as usual politics with oppressive, exploitative war profiteers. As candidates in a democracy, we have a duty to prevent authoritarianism and a police state. As Americans, we have a duty to protect the free speech of our young people and vulnerable communities. This is particularly important in this presidential and congressional election cycle, but it matters at all levels of government and community.

As Washingtonians, we recognize our proximity to major military installations exposing working class youth to harm, and defense contractors profiteering from genocide. We also recognize the sacrifices of those who have long struggled against Israeli apartheid. This includes Turkish-born, US citizen Aysenur, who just recently graduated from UW and was in the West Bank for less than two days when she was murdered. It includes Rachel Corrie, who was deliberately crushed by an Israeli bulldozer 21 years ago as she tried to prevent the destruction of homes in Rafa (while wearing a reflective vest and waving her US passport). But it must also include our thousands of Palestinian-born refugees, their families and friends who have lived through wave after wave of tragedy, who have lost loved ones from Israel bombing Rafa into rubble, or who are concerned about their loved ones throughout occupied Palestine right now.

As candidates and future candidates, we recognize the importance of this election. The threat of a second Trump Presidency is very real, and Kamala Harris’ positions on the war echo Joe Biden’s in not going nearly far enough, as indicated in the one and only Presidential debate. It's up to local, state, and Congressional candidates to mobilize voters and join the majority of our society. It’s bold convictions like this that will galvanize local support to beat Trump and prevent further dismantling of the Federal Government. We applaud all Congressional candidates willing to speak out against genocide, and we encourage you to sign with us today.

Finally, as Americans, we are appalled by the violent police state stifling of free speech on campuses throughout the country, and continual Congressional votes to label critiques of genocide as antisemitic. This spring, the House of Representatives passed a bipartisan bill that branded criticism of Israel and Zionism as “anti-semitism,” at the same time that US police were violently sweeping student protestors, many of whom are members of Jewish Voice for Peace. This was dangerous and reprehensible.

We support our community exercising their free speech, particularly when they are advancing the human rights of oppressed people facing genocide. Criticizing Zionism and other forms of ethnic nationalism must be legal. Marching and non-violent civil disobedience must be legal. Calls for boycott, divestment and sanction must be legal. Politicians that care about free speech and majority rule must join these movements to be on the right side of history.

Explicitly, we commit to supporting demands for the following:

  • An independent investigation into the assassination of Aysenur Ezgy Eygi

  • Immediate and unconditional ceasefire, withdrawal of all Israeli forces from Gaza and the West Bank, and the return of all hostages and political prisoners on both sides

  • End Israel’s siege of Gaza, end the occupation, settlements, and apartheid system on Palestinian lands, and ensure the right for all refugees to return

  • End all US military aid and arms sales to Israel and to reactionary regimes throughout the region – for a massive infusion of humanitarian aid to rebuild Gaza

  • Cut government contracts with defense contractors working with the state of Israel until the Apartheid system is ended or until those contractors end relationships with Israel

  • Divest any government-connected endowments, pensions, or investment portfolios from Israeli companies or US companies doing business with Israel until the Apartheid system is ended or until those companies end their own relationships with Israel

  • Money for healthcare, climate action, housing, and education, not war and occupation!

  • End all police repression of the Palestine solidarity movement and drop the charges against all those arrested – reverse all laws silencing criticism of Israeli and US policyWashington candidates, please join our call today and commit to being on the right side of history.

Signers (as of 10/06/2024)

Melissa Chaudhry, candidate, 9th Congressional District 

Annie Fitzgerald, candidate, 38th Legislative District Representative Position # 1

Kenneth King, candidate, 25th Legislative District Senator

Syd Locke, candidate, 22nd Legislative District Representative Position # 2

Richard Miller, candidate, 29th Legislative District Representative Position # 1

Devin Rydel Kelly, candidate,  27th Legislative District Representative Position # 2

Shaun Scott, candidate, 43rd Legislative District Representative, Position #2

Cameron Severns, candidate, 25th Legislative District Representative, Position #1

Desirée Chantal Toliver, candidate, US House Congressional District 10


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