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Let’s fight for our youth and against injustice!

Last week, the ACLU of Washington sued the state on behalf of ten plaintiffs (including two from Tacoma) to stop the “Parents Bill of Rights” from becoming law. The measure was one of six “Let’s Go Washington'' initiatives backed by billionaire Brian Haywood, and one of three the Legislature voted to pass. In their opposition, the plaintiffs said the initiative -which could lead to outing trans youth to abusive parents– was unconstitutional and would “result in harm to LGBTQ+ students, youth of color, and students from other marginalized backgrounds.”

I applaud the lawsuit and the 10 plaintiffs for boldly speaking out for some of our state’s most oppressed communities. I also support an immediate injunction against enforcing the law until the suit makes its way through the court system. We must do everything we can to protect our trans and non-binary youth, particularly in light of reactionary legislation and court decisions across the country. Washington must be an epicenter of sanctuary and belonging.

In an earlier statement, I critiqued legislators for passing the initiative. I now realize that some may have been expecting this suit, and their votes may have been tactical. But I want to reiterate how crucial it is that we actively and vocally organize against hate, and not give an inch to reactionary politics. We are likely facing a Trump ballot -even with 34 felony convictions– and it’s clear that the people behind “Let’s Go Washington” feel emboldened. They’re already working on an “anti-squatting” initiative that would make rent stabilization illegal.

I promise to remain deeply committed to challenging all right-wing, hateful movements like this, and to push for truly democratic initiative processes, rather than signatures bought by billionaires. I’m already campaigning against the initiative repealing the carbon tax (which funds our environment) and the Capital Gains tax (which funds preschool and only affects 3,000 of Washington’s richest investors). I promise to remain a steadfast opponent of all Brian Haywood’s “Tim Eyman on steroids” initiatives and to push legislation that limits astronomical spending on Washington initiatives. 

Our diverse, beautiful young people deserve better. Join us on the doors and in the community today to ensure we win for them.

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