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Jake Fey's missed votes...

A graph comparing Fey's missed votes over years. Read below for details.

Jake Fey claims that he’s a consistent voice for progressive policy. Our research suggests this isn’t true. In several recent sessions, he has often sided with his corporate and PAC donors in undermining environmental legislation. This is one of the reasons Devin Rydel Kelly is refusing corporate money. We’ll discuss this more in upcoming posts and newsletters. 

Where Fey is consistent is leading the pack in missing votes in the House of Representatives. He has always been in the top third for representatives missing votes regardless of party, and one of the top Democrats. In the crucial post-COVID 2021-22 session, he was second place among Democrats and seventh place overall.

While some representatives have frequently missed votes during their legislative session due to illness or personal tragedy, Fey has consistently missed votes each year he's been in office.

Below, we highlight some of Jake Fey's missed votes on important progressive issues.


Is Jake Fey Showing Up for Criminal Justice Reform?

2021 HB 1443: Concerning social equity within the cannabis industry (only missed by one other Representative)

2021 HB 1186: Concerning juvenile rehabilitation (only missed by one other Representative)


Is Jake Fey Showing Up for Economic Justice? 

2022 HB 2061: Adding permanently affordable housing to the definition of public improvements (only missed by two other Representatives, both Republicans)

2021 HB 1152: Supporting measures to create comprehensive public health districts (Fey was the only rep to miss the vote)

2020 HB 2497: Adding development of permanently affordable housing to the allowable uses of community revitalization financing, the local infrastructure financing tool, and local revitalization financing (only missed by two other Representatives)

2020 HB 2388: Standardizing definitions of homelessness to improve access to services

(only missed by two other Representatives)


Is Jake Fey Showing Up for the Environment? 

2020 HB 2310: Reducing emissions from vehicles associated with on-demand transportation services (only missed by two other Representatives)


Breakdowns of ranking by year

2021-22 Session: Fey had the second most missed votes of any Democrat, and the seventh most missed votes overall. 

2019-2020 session: Fey had the sixteenth most missed votes of any Democrat, and the thirty-sixth most missed votes overall.

2017-2018 session: Fey had the fourth most missed votes of any Democrat, and the seventeenth most missed voters overall.

2015-2016 session: Jake Fey had the fifth missed votes of any Democrat, and the fourteenth most missed voters overall.

2013-2014 session: Fey had the eighteenth missed votes of any Democrat, and the thirty-third most missed voters overall.


Legislators need to deliver on their promises to represent their communities and constituents, particularly by showing up for votes on the chamber floor. This is doubly so when legislators tout themselves as progressives, but don't follow through on key votes, or by killing progressive legislation in committee. Devin Rydel Kelly has shown up for community for decades and promises to do so in committee and on the floor.

Join us next week for more on Fey's position as a "progressive." In the meantime, please support our people powered campaign by volunteering or donating today!


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